1. HUG YOUR CHILD - Daily. Don't stop when they get older - teens need love, too.
2. KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN - "Helicopter Parenting" may be bad but so is oblivion.
3. CATCH THEM DOING GOOD - Acknowledgement of good behaviour usually promotes MORE.
4. CONSISTENCY IS KING: It's hard - but try to stay consistent. It breeds safety and calmness.
5. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS: How you live your life is your child's greatest teacher.
6. TALKING IS GOOD BUT LISTENING IS GREAT! It's not what you say it's what your hear.
7. READ EVERY DAY. Read to them. Have them read to you. Read together silently. Just read.
8. BE HEALTHY: Eat good foods. Get good sleep. Get your body moving. Do this daily.
9. STRUGGLES ARE OKAY: Not every struggle is bad - Life has struggles. They help us grow.
10: FORGIVE: Yourself. Them. Often.